Saturday, April 26, 2008
i miss vj dance.
and i can't wait. for exams to end.
oh well, SEVENTH MAY! :)
plus it sucks that my tuition kids are having their exams during the same period of time
i have shuffle between mugging and tuition
which leaves me with even lesser time to study
yikes! i am so dead.
10:46 PM;
Friday, April 18, 2008
lol, someday my wardrobe will look like this..
yes, someday..
okay, shouldnt be reading stuff during a time like this when i'm suppose to be drowning myself with readings..
oh well, i'm such an expert at wasting time..
currently, i'm hooked onto David G's blog..
(shant mention his full name here in case someone googles: famous singapore hairstylist)
but anyway, his blog is terribly amusing and damn interesting to read..
you'll get to see celebrities who you will never be friends with..
you'll get to read about lifestyles which you can never experience..
and you'll get to see stuff you can never ever own (ie. Hermes tea cup)..
so much for a classless society
11:15 PM;
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
11:45 PM;
Sunday, April 06, 2008
money's the cause of everything, really.
i'm so sick and tired, of being caught in the middle.
all these must stop, like now.
before everyone ends up in tears again.
1:43 AM;
Thursday, April 03, 2008
seriously, projects are such a pain..
i'm so glad i'm (only) left with 1 more essay to write for this sem..
today was the last of my js2222 tutorials..
which was kinna sad cos i really had fun!
probably the only project which i enjoyed because of great project mates and friendships we forged:)
jap studies modules always seem to be fun..
be it js1101e last sem or js2222..
i think they are the only 2 modules which i managed to make rather close friends..
and the girl beside me is a SEP student from Japan! :)
あなた達のことを思っている! (which means i will miss you guys)
12:25 AM;